Manually Sourced & Fully Vetted

Each lead is manually sourced and fully vetted in the USA by a Veteran Amazon Seller.

Low Number of Members

With our lists limited to just 25 members, we ensure more profit for you.

Every Lead is Buy Worthy

Unlike other lead lists, each lead can be purchased from every list.

MIXED CATEGORY LIST #4 Limited to 25 Members

$199 per Month
Minimum 7 Daily Leads + Bonus Leads
50%+ Average ROI – Minimum 30-40%
$7+ Average Profit – Minimum $4
Highly Ranked / Fast Selling  50-75+ sales per month
Our list is Manually Sourced in the USA by a Veteran Amazon Seller
Each Lead is Fully Vetted
Daily E-mail Monday-Friday around 12 PM

We cannot guarantee that all products will be unrestricted to all sellers. We do try to remove brands that are known to be restricted to most sellers, but it is your responsibility to make sure you are unrestricted from selling a product before you purchase it.
Subscription fees are non-refundable. You may cancel your subscription at any time and will continue to receive leads until the end of your billing cycle. To cancel, e-mail
By signing up to our service, you agree not to share, distribute or use the information for purposes other than intended. You are agreeing that the information provided will be solely for your personal use.
Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the cancelation of your subscription without refunds.

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