Each lead is manually sourced and fully vetted in the USA by a Veteran Amazon Seller.
With our lists limited to just 25 members or less, we ensure more profit for you.
As an added bonus, we indicate whether a lead is available for in-store purchase.
With our list limited to just 25 members or less, we keep it small and exclusive, ensuring more profit for you.
Many of the items we send are replenishable and can be added to your recurring buy list.
We include Cash back site opportunities, as well as specific notes to help maximize your profits.
If an item is available for in-store purchase, we will be sure to let you know.
We take out the extra work and get it right. Each lead is highly vetted by our team of veteran Amazon sellers.
Each lead we send is ready to buy. Locked, loaded and ready to go!
If a lead doesn't meet our criteria for the regular list, we will add it in as a bonus so you can decide if you want to buy.
Our team of Amazon sellers are available to answer your questions by email
This community is the ultimate Amazon Arbitrage resource designed for serious sellers like you! Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey, cruising along smoothly, or already achieving seven-figure success, OA PRO has precisely what you need to scale your business even further.
Learn how-tos, step-by-step processes, and have the opportunity to be surrounded by and network with other like-minded individuals.
Each of our leads will include the following information:
Product Title, ASIN, Amazon Link, Source Link, Category, 90-day average rank, Cost, If it’s available in-store, Current selling price, Net profit in $, Net ROI in %, Promo / Coupon Codes, Cashback / Gift Cards, additional notes
Our leads are delivered daily Monday-Friday between 11 am and 12 pm EST
Being that each seller is at a different point in their journey, ugating is different from seller to seller. It’s not uncommon when you start out to be gated in more than 50% of the leads.
Being that sellers vary with strategies from prepping at home, tax free prep center etc. we don’t add in a prep fee. For items weighing more than 4 pounds, we add 25 cents per pound to account for inbound shipping cost.
Your payment will automatically rebill each month on the same day you signed up. For example if you signed up on March 15th, you would be rebilled on April 15th.
To cancel you subscription, email us 24-48 hours prior to your rebill at hi@oaleadspro.com
email us to hi@oaleadspro.com and we will send you a direct secure link to update the payment method
Depending on our list categories, anywhere from 10-25 subscribers receive the same list.
Pro+ is limited to 10 subscribers, Elite is limited to 15, Pro is limited to 20, and standard lists are limited to 25.
Lists of the same category, for example: “Mixed List 6” and “Mixed List 7” , have the same criteria, but each list has it’s own unique leads being shared.